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Technical Bulletins

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Division of Technical Resources (DTR) is pleased to introduce a new resource for state-of-the-art technical information.  Numerous national and international journals publish technical articles related to the design, construction, operations and maintenance of biomedical facilities and hospitals.  Most of us don’t have the time to read them.

Once a month, DTR will provide a review of a relevant recent journal article or publication that will make it easier for ORF/ORS/IC staff to keep up with the literature in our respective field of expertise.  These articles will be of interest to NIH architects, engineers, biosafety professionals, facility managers and operations and maintenance staff. The articles will be available in hard copy on a display stand on the second floor elevator lobby of Building 13.

The purpose of the  ‘DTR Technical Bulletin’ is to raise technical awareness regarding state-of-the-art innovation in designing highly complex biomedical facilities and hospitals.  These articles will be concise one page summaries of papers that present innovative ideas in the areas of flexible design, safety and health of the occupants, security, and protection of the environment. Each article will provide references for further reading and additional topic detail.

We hope that you will find the ‘DTR Technical Bulletin’ helpful in achieving the best and safest biomedical research facilities possible.

If you have recommendations or questions, please direct them to:​.​

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2024

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2023

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2022

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2021

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2020

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2019

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2018

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2017

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2016

      DTR Technical Bulletin 2015

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2014

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2013

       DTR Technical Bulletin 2012

This page was last updated on Jun 13, 2024