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ORF Home > Construction


ORF Signature Projects
Summary descriptions of current NIH signature construction projects.

Design and Construction Management
An overview of the NIH construction program.

Funding and Budget for Construction, Alterations and Renovations
The Office of Research Facilities (ORF) must follow all federal regulations and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) policies related to the appropriate use of funds for facility projects. Questions on appropriate use of funds can be directed to the ORF Chief Engineer (Acting), Rick Robey 301-827-4509​.

Overview of the process for altering or renovating leased or government owned NIH space.

Contractor On-Boarding and helpful "Get Started" documents
Documents needed to assist construction Contractors with On-Boarding and navigating NIH requirements and getting work started as soon as possible

This page was last updated on Jun 17, 2024