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Master planning is the articulation of goals for the future development of NIH's campuses through a logical sequence of programs and projects enabling NIH to meet critical research priorities and planning objectives. The Plan outlines the present composition of NIH campuses and a process for their orderly and comprehensive development over a period of approximately 20 years. The Master Plan is a dynamic document that provides a framework for future development that best supports NIH facility and scientific research requirements. Actual realization of NIH Master Plans depends on priorities of NIH and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Congressional and Presidential policy decisions, and federal budgetary realities.
The NIH Master Plans:
The NIH Bethesda Master Plan, 2013 Comprehensive Master Plan NIH Bethesda Campus
The 2013 Update of the Master Plan for the NIH Bethesda, Maryland campus is a revision of the 2003 Master Plan. It was submitted to the National Capital Planning Commission for review, open for public comment, and then finalized. Final approval was given on June 14, 2013. The Master Plan 2013 Update is also available on CD from, Susan M. Roberts, Chief, Planning and Programming Branch, Division of Facilities Planning..