Page Content
Chemical Waste Management Procedures 
Entire content from the Chemical waste section of the NIH Waste Disposal Guide that provides information and guidelines for chemical waste management
Additional Information for Chemicals and Chemical Waste:
Chemical Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention
Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Guidance
Chemical Compatibility and Segregation Information
Chemical Compatibility Chart and general information on chemical waste segregation
Explosive/Reactive Chemicals
A list of common laboratory chemicals that have potential for producing a violent explosion when subjected to shock or friction
Chemical Waste Containers
Chemical waste container selection and their use in the laboratory
Classification of Hazardous Chemicals
A list of common laboratory chemicals and their hazard class
Laboratory Chemical Move Procedures
Laboratory chemical moves procedures and guidelines
Related Information:
NIH Environmental Management System (NEMS)
NIH's environmental policies and programs which will regulate all activities related to environmental management at NIH and improve their efficiency and effectiveness