Page Content
- Maintain and track chemical inventories to help avoid purchase of chemicals already on hand.
- Buy chemicals only in amounts needed
- Review experimental protocol to assure that chemical usage is minimized
- Search for safer substitutes and use less toxic chemicals that are environmentally friendly
- Substitute detergents for chromium based glass cleaners
- Use biodegradable scintillation cocktails that are not aromatic hydrocarbon-based
- Share excess or unwanted chemicals with other researchers
- Avoid mixing hazardous and nonhazardous waste
- Attempt to return unused chemicals to vendor if possible
- Avoid excess use of water
MIT’s Green Alternative Purchasing Wizard 
Information on alternatives to hazardous chemicals or processes
NIH Policy Manual
NIH policy on waste minimization and management
EPA Pollution Prevention Guideline 
EPA guidance on waste minimization, green purchasing, and recycling
NIH Environmental Management System (NEMS) 
NIH Environmental Policy