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PRINCIPLES: Two principles guided creation of this policy: NIH must recover its costs; those who benefit may will pay the cost.
APPLICATION: The Rent Rules became effective on May 16, 2002. They apply to new projects, space acquisition, and space reassignments that are part of interconnected moves. Other projects will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
APPEALS: Implementation appeals are handled by the NIH Space Recommendation Board (SRB).
- NIH will charge rent to ICs for use of temporarily-assigned NIH Director’s Reserve swing space.
- The 2002 NIH Occupancy Policy established preliminary guidelines in the transition phase by defining what constitutes a facility that is ready for occupancy. It also created a change moratorium period to help manage project scope change. The Facilities Working Group (FWG), formerly known as the Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FPAC), developed an Implementation Strategy for the Occupancy Policy that further defines the change moratorium and outlines an appeals process for ICs that do not want to move.
- Rent for newly-acquired and existing space allocated to ICs will begin immediately on the lease start date.
- The NIH Forced Moves Policy requires that when an IC, the OD, or a Central Service Office or Center (CSOC) is forced to relocate, it will receive space and funding compensation for the forced move from the organization that forced the move.
- NIH will maintain 25,000 net square feet of Director’s Reserve space each for research and administrative space off campus. This space will be funded from the rent charged ICs for existing space.
Approved NIH Rent Rules and Policies, May 16, 2002
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