Developing and enforcing national and international standards that ensure high quality facilities
30-50-50 -- Public Availability of Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact
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Public Availability of FONSI and EA. OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs shall make a FONSI and its related EA available to the public as provided in the CEQ regulations at 40 CFR '' 1500.6, 1501.4(e)(1) and 1506.6, including making copies available for inspection in public reading rooms or other appropriate locations for a reasonable time.
Public Availability of FONSI. For a limited number of actions, the proposed FONSI and its related EA will be made available for public review (including review by state and area-wide information clearinghouses) for 30 days before a final determination is made whether to prepare an EIS and before the action may begin. This procedure will be followed when the proposed action is, or is closely similar to, one that normally requires an EIS or when the proposed action is one without precedent (40 CFR ' 1501.4(e)). OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs may issue a proposed FONSI for public review and comment in other situations as well.
Revised FONSI. If a FONSI is revised, it is subject to the public availability requirements of this section.
This page was last updated on May 23, 2013