Chapter 30-50 Definitions. The following terms are defined solely for the purpose of implementing the supplemental procedures provided by this chapter and are not necessarily applicable to any other statutory or regulatory requirements. To the extent that a definition of one of these terms should conflict with a definition in an applicable statute, regulation or Executive Order, that statute, regulation or Executive Order definition shall supersede the GAM definition.
"Department" means the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
"Pollution Prevention" includes, but is not limited to, reducing or eliminating hazardous or other polluting inputs, which can contribute to both point and non-point source pollution; modifying manufacturing, maintenance, or other industrial practices; modifying product designs; recycling (especially in-process, closed loop recycling); preventing the disposal and transfer of pollution from one media to another; and increasing energy efficiency and conservation. Pollution prevention can be implemented at any stage -- input, use or generation, and treatment -- and may involve any technique -- process modification, waste stream segregation, inventory control, good housekeeping or best management practices, employee training, recycling, and substitution. Any reasonable mechanism which successfully avoids, prevents, or reduces pollutant discharges or emissions other than by the traditional method of treating pollution at the discharge end of a pipe or stack should, for purposes of this chapter, be considered pollution prevention. (This definition of "pollution prevention" has been adopted by CEQ. See Council on Environmental Quality, "Memorandum to Heads of Federal Departments and Agencies Regarding Pollution Prevention and the National Environmental Policy Act," 58 FR 6478 (1993).)
Note: A definition of "pollution prevention" that has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is used in Chapters 30-60 through 30-90.
"Responsible official" means the Secretary, the Departmental decision-maker designated by the Secretary of Health and Human Services or the Secretary's designated representative, or the Head of an OPDIV/STAFF, or an official designated by the Head of an OPDIV/STAFFDIV, or the Federal agency official who makes the decision to irreversibly and irretrievably commit the agency's resources to execute the proposed action.