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Summary of Post Occupancy Evaluation Policy
PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to evaluate design and program intent against building performance; reduce repetition of problems by providing lessons learned; identify opportunities to save time and money without reducing quality; and produce data that will aid in resource allocation for proper maintenance and operations.
APPROVED: February 8, 2006
POLICY: ORF will conduct an indicative Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) on new or renovated facilities 12 to 18 months after the last occupant moves into the facility. A POE may also be performed on existing facilities on a 10-15 year cycle at ORF discretion as time and budget permit. The results of the POE will indicate if an investigative and/or diagnostic POE on the facility is required.
ORF will include the need for a POE in the pre-program planning phase of the project, and the Program of Requirements will include a POE for every new or renovated “whole” facility NIH funds.
POE results will be maintained in a web-based database.
RESPONSIBILITIES: The ORF Division of Policy and Program Assessment (DPPA) is responsible for conducting POEs and for maintaining a web database of results and lessons learned. DPPA is responsible for communicating with Project Officers, Facility Managers, and other stakeholders about the database.
Project Officers/Program Managers are responsible for directing A/Es to the POE database for use in preparing Programs of Requirements.
FUNDING: POEs can be funded in several ways.
- The preferred funding mechanism is Agency Program Evaluation funds. Information on this mechanism is available from the NIH Office of Evaluation at .
- A central ORF fund is available at the Director’s discretion.
- Funds may be incorporated into the A/E Statement of Work and the POE provided by the A/E of record.
- Where an existing contract is in place, a POE may be added to the scope.
- Additional contract mechanisms identified as needed by ORF.
Post Occupancy Evaluation Policy February 8, 2006 
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