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Reduce: - Order food products in bulk and/or with minimal packaging
- Use reusable plates, cups, and utensils
- Bring lunch in a reusable lunch bag
- Take home extra food
- Use unbleached coffee filters
- Take home food scraps to compost at home
Composting is a way to reduce and reuse food waste. Food waste and yard waste are collected in a compost bin, which is monitored for temperature, air movement, and moisture. The organic waste is decomposed at a rate dependent on the environmental conditions and when the compost is finished, it can be added back to the soil. Compost has many benefits. It helps the soil retain nutrients and pH and benefits earthworms and other life in the soil. Common items that can be composted are grass clippings, hay, leaves, straw, weeds, wood chips, and kitchen wastes. Items that should not be composted include meat scraps, fatty foods, milk products, and bones. The cafeteria is looking into composting food waste. Currently, food that is not served is donated to a local food pantry.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Composting 
Please make sure all items are empty and clean before recycling.
The following items, commonly found in the cafeteria, can be recycled in the mixed paper bin: paperboard boxes (e.g., frozen meal packaging), paper coffee cups, cafeteria trays, and pizza boxes.
The following items can be recycled in the commingled bin: plastic, glass, and aluminum beverage containers, food storage containers, plastic bags, plastic utensils, yogurt containers, tin foil, and aluminum foil.