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Representatives from NIH present plaque and congratulations to Tay Davis, first student winner of the “Name IT Contest” at a ceremony held at the high school on August 15, 2008.
- This year’s contest clues must have been challenging – only about a dozen correct answers were received from all of NIH. Receipt of a correct entry by a high school student was quite a surprise. The NIH representatives were quite impressed by her sleuthing efforts and how she came up with the correct answer. Tay is planning a career in medicine. Maybe she should be an investigator (private)?
- The Moringa tree in the background, already 4 feet tall was the tiny seedling that appeared in the March 7, 2008 edition of the Record. The tree was donated to the school for its greenhouse collection.
- The book Kenny is holding about Moringa titled Miracle Tree was written by Monica G. Marcu, previously an investigator with NCI. Her book is probably the most comprehensive book on the benefits of Moringa in medicine, cosmetics and nutrition and its history of use for more than 5,000 years. See NIH Record Story on Monica’s other achievements

The two summer students who did research on the effects of Moringa leaf on human prostate cancer cell cultures worked for Dr. Arnold.