Office of the Director (HNAM91) Office of Hospital Physical Environment (HNAM9B) Division of Facilities Planning (HNAM92) Office of the Director (HNAM92)Facilities Planning and Programming Branch (HNAM922)Space Planning and Management Branch (HNAM924)Site Infrastructure Planning Branch (HNAM925)Division of Facilities Operations and Maintenance (HNAM94) Office of the Director (HNAM94)Clinical Center Facilities Management Branch (HNAM942)Maryland Facilities Management Branch (HNAM943)Campus Services Branch (HNAM944)Accreditation Services Branch (HNAM946)Rocky Mountain Laboratory Facilities Management Branch (HNAM94B)Research Triangle Park Facilities Management Branch (HNAM94C)Office of Acquisitions, ORF (HNAM95) Office of the Director (HNAM95)Architect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - OrangeArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - BlueArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - RedArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - GreenFacilities Support Services Contracting Branch - YellowReal Estate Contracting Branch - PurplePolicy Support and Quality Control Branch (HNAM955)Division of Technical Resources (HNAM96) Office of the Director (HNAM96)Standards & Policy Branch (HNAM962)Technical Support Branch (HNAM963)Utility Systems Design & Technical Service Branch (HNAM967)Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Application Branch (HNAM965)Utilities Generation Branch (HNAM964)Utilities Distribution Branch (HNAM966)Facilities Compliance and Inspection Branch (HNAM968)Division of Environmental Protection (HNAM97) Office of the Director (HNAM97)Sustainability Branch (HNAM972)Environmental Compliance Branch (HNAM973)Waste and Resource Recovery Branch (HNAM974)Division of Budget and Financial Management (HNAM98) Office of the Director (HNAM98)Business Support Branch (HNAM982)Budget Development and Execution Branch (HNAM983)Division of Facilities Stewardship (HNAM99) Office of the Director (HNAM99)Building Electrical Systems Branch (HNAM992)Building Mechanical Systems Branch (HNAM993)Energy Management Branch (HNAM994)Portfolio Assessment and Reporting Branch (HNAM995)Specialty Branch (HNAM996)Division of Design and Construction Management (HNAM9A) Office of the Director (HNAM9A)Clinical Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A2)Laboratory Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A3)Cancer & SAT Program Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A5)Office and Leased Facilities Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A6)Design and Technical Services Branch (HNAM9A7)
| BELCHER, Robert | Branch Chief, MFMB | 301-402-9443 |
| DAVIS, ELEANOR* | | 301-402-3329 |
| Harne, Richard | Engineer | 301-594-2404 |
| Biosafety Laboratories Team HNAM9435 |
| TURNER, THOMAS | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| BELL, ERIC | USRO | 301-435-5545 |
| DEVORA, FACUNDO | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-9499 |
| FAIRBANKS, DANIEL | USRO | 240-927-0443 |
| FREEMAN, RALPH | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-0028 |
| GLOVER, Dan | Supervisory Facility Operations Specialist | 301-594-1151 |
| HAWKINS, Nathaniel | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-4817 |
| HUGHES, CHRISTOPHER | Utility Systems Repairer Operator | 301-827-9844 |
| REZEN, ROBEL | USRO | 301-761-6790 |
| ROBINSON, DARRYN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-402-6370 |
| WALKER, FREDERICK | USRO | 301-451-7621 |
| WILLIAMS, EMMANUEL | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-402-0048 |
| WILSON, AARON | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-402-2602 |
| Facilities Operations Team HNAM9434 |
| RAY, Everett | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| WEARY, Michael | Supervisory Facilities Operations Specialist | 301-435-6171 |
| JONES, Brian | Supervisory Facilities Operations Specialist | 301-451-4493 |
| PARKER, Angelo | Section Chief | 301-480-5537 |
| Barrett, Alfonso | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-5360 |
| COREAS, HECTOR | USRO | 240-236-9228 |
| MIHILL, David | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-594-1284 |
| ANDREWS, DAVID | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-451-2270 |
| ASARE, STEVE | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-402-2602 |
| AVERY, COURTNEY | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-6395 |
| BALLARD, NELSON | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-6680 |
| BARBERI, GEORGE | Electrician Leader | 301-451-9022 |
| BARKER, Danny | Maintenance Worker | 301-451-2270 |
| BARNES, Sean | Maintenance Worker | 301-496-2540 |
| BARRETT, ALFONSO | Maintenance Worker | 301-594-7895 |
| BARRETT, Alfonso | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-5360 |
| BERRY, Timothy | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-594-8359 |
| BOBBITT, Brandon Bobbitt | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-4596 |
| BOSTICK, EARL | USRO | 301-496-6630 |
| BROWN, JOSHUA | USRO Supervisor | 301-827-7158 |
| BUCK, BRANDON | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-4567 |
| BUCKLAND, RICHARD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-3836 |
| BURRIER, JAMES | USRO | 301-451-2270 |
| BUTLER, TERRANCE | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-5546 |
| BUTLER, William | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-5545 |
| CARPENTER, Kevin | Emergency Management Coordinator | 301-594-7895 |
| Cauffman, Todd | Engineer (CPO) | 240-278-5098 |
| CHESTANG, Anthony | Engineering Technician | 301-451-4536 |
| CHILDS, BRIAN | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 240-972-0258 |
| CONNOLLY, BALDWIN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| CULVER, JAMES | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 240-669-5524 |
| DANIELS, ELWAYNE | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8000 |
| DONATIEN, NOAH | USRO Leader | 301-451-2270 |
| EDWARDS, DE'QUAN | Maintenance Worker | 301-451-2270 |
| ELLIS, MICHAEL | | 301-594-7895 |
| FAISON, Will | USRO | 301-496-4229 |
| FISHER, Dave | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8230 |
| FLEMING, George | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-451-1996 |
| FLETCHER, William | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-496-5083 |
| FOX, ADAM | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| FRANCIS, ANTHONY | Maintenance Worker | 301-402-0655 |
| GIVENS, AUBREY | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor, CCFB | 301-402-9660 |
| GOULD, TIMOTHY | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| GRIFFIN, Donnell | Maintenance Worker | 301-594-4596 |
| HALL, Allan | Maintenance Worker | 301-594-7895 |
| HALL, RICHARD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-827-9844 |
| HALLUMS, JOHN | USRO | 301-594-4689 |
| HENDERSON, Danny | Deputy Team Chief Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-451-0096 |
| HENRY-CHARLES, DARRYL | USRO Supervisor, Shift | 301-402-2602 |
| HUANG, ALEX | Mechanical Engineer | 301-997-8291 |
| JACKSON, Darell | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| JACKSON, Deshawn | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8000 |
| JARVIS, Eric | Facility Manager | 301-496-1952 |
| JENKINS, Dorsey | Engineering Technician | 301-443-5535 |
| JOHNSON, ALFRED | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8000 |
| JOHNSON, David | Supervisory Electrician (High Voltage) | 301-402-2602 |
| JOHNSON, TYRONE | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor, CCFB | 301-435-8000 |
| KLONITSKO, Dover Dan | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-6484 |
| LEE, Al | | 301-451-4788 |
| LEFTWOOD, KEVIN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5085 |
| LEMASTERS, RONALD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8000 |
| LOCUST, Allen | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-435-5545 |
| MARBLEY, DAMIEN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-1433 |
| MARTIN, CLIFFORD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8912 |
| MAYN, CHARLES | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-2602 |
| MCKENZIE, WAYNE | Electrician | 301-594-7895 |
| MCNELLY, RICHARD | Maintenance Mechanic supervisor | 301-451-3311 |
| MEKONNEN, AMARE | Facility Operations Specialist, BSL | 301-451-6654 |
| MICHEL, PIERRE | Facility Operations Specialist, Planning | 301-594-3766 |
| MILLER, JOSEPH | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| MOLNAR, Andy | Electrician | 301-594-7895 |
| MORGAN, ANTHONY | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5085 |
| MORRIS, Michael | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor | 301-451-1391 |
| MORRISON, CURTIS | USRO Leader | 301-451-2270 |
| NAVARRO, CARLOS | Utility Systems Repairer Operator | 301-451-2270 |
| NELSON, LAWRENCE | Maintenance Mechanic-ORF | 301-435-8000 |
| NOLAN, JOHN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| Norris, William | Maintenance Worker | 301-594-7895 |
| O'DONNELL, PATRICK | USRO Supervisor, Trouble Calls | 301-402-7699 |
| O'NEAL, Lawrence | Electrician | 301-594-7895 |
| PATTERSON, JOSEPH | Maintenance Mechanic (Heavy Plumbing) | 301-480-3939 |
| PITTS, TYRONNE | USRO | 301-435-5545 |
| Pohutsky, George | Facilities Operation Specialist | 301-496-1952 |
| POTTS, STEVEN | USRO | 301-480-5537 |
| RAND, DEVON | USRO | 301-451-2270 |
| RAND, Presley | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-4489 |
| RANKIN ,BERNARD ISAYIAH | Maintenance Worker | 301-594-7895 |
| ROBBINS, PHILLIP | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-0096 |
| ROBINSON, ANTONIO | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-496-9040 |
| ROBINSON, Bernard | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor, Trouble Calls | 301-480-3939 |
| SABALLOS MIRANDA, Chris | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| Samuel, Jerome | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| SANTANA HEREDIA, Juan | Electrician | 301-402-2602 |
| SCHWEITZER, ROBERT | | 301-435-8000 |
| SHAW, JAMES | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-496-5151 |
| SHORTER, RONELL | | 301-594-7895 |
| SIIRA, ALINA | Deputy Branch Chief, MFMB | 301-827-3595 |
| SMITH, DAVON | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8912 |
| SMITH, Max | USRO Leader | 301-594-4465 |
| SOLIDAY, Mike | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-496-2581 |
| STOUT, Eric | High Voltage Electrician | 301-435-8000 |
| STOWERS, CHARLES | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-0980 |
| SUMAH, MOHAMED | Facility Operations | 301-402-7274 |
| TALIAFERRO, ALBERT | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-7895 |
| THOMAS, Rafael | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-480-4772 |
| VELOTTA, VINCENT | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-3507 |
| WASHINGTON, Herbert | Maintenance Worker | 301-597-4586 |
| WASHINGTON, JAMES | Safety and Occupational Health Specialist | 301-594-0232 |
| WHETZEL, CORY | | 301-435-8000 |
| WHITLEY, MICHAEL | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-5545 |
| WILCOX, DEVVON | USRO Leader | 301-827-7220 |
| WOOD, THOMAS | Electronic Indust Cntris Mechanic | 301-451-1391 |
| ZABRUCKY, CHRISTOPHER | Shift Supervisor | 301-435-5545 |
| Ft. Detrick Team HNAM9437 |
| WILSON, David | Engineering Technician | 571-564-0377 |
| ROBERTS, DANIEL | Section Chief, Remote Owned Facilities | 301-451-3101 |
| BROWN, MARK | USRO Supervisor, Remote Owned | 240-669-5772 |
| BROWN, Mike | Maintenance Mechanic Heavy Electrical | 240-236-9259 |
| FULLER, LESLIE | USRO | 240-236-9228 |
| GIFFT, William | USRO | 240-236-9228 |
| LAUB, Curt | USRO | 240-236-9228 |
| POLVINALE, Steve | USRO Leader, BSL | 240-459-5997 |
| TESSMAN, JUSTIN | USRO | 240-236-9228 |
| TRENT, DAVID | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 240-236-9228 |
| Leased Facilities Team HNAM9436 |
| LINDSEY, BRIAN | | 667-312-5846 |
| OLIVER, KYLE | | 667-312-5846 |
| CALVERT, WILLIAM* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 443-740-2766 |
| CONTRERAS, GILDO* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 667-312-5846 |
| CROUSE, Jim* | Chief Engineer | 667-312-5846 |
| DEVAN, JOSEPH* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 667-312-5846 |
| GRAZIANO, MICHAEL* | | 667-312-5846 |
| HEIM, PHILIP* | | 667-312-5846 |
| HILL, GREGG* | | 667-312-5846 |
| JACOBS, MATTHEW | | 667-312-5846 |
| JAVORSKI, JAMES* | | 667-312-5846 |
| LANGE, JEFFREY* | | 667-312-5846 |
| LAPPS, JOVON* | | 667-312-5846 |
| LLOYD, DONALD* | Dock master-GSH Group | 667-312-5845 |
| LOOKINGBILL, Ron* | | 443-740-2766 |
| McClanahan, Christy | | 667-312-5846 |
| NOVAK, Jon* | | 443-740-2766 |
| Schmidt, Johnitta | | 667-312-5767 |
| SMITH, DANIEL* | | 667-312-5846 |
| STEWART, BOBBY* | | 667-312-5846 |
| Tejada Tejada, Manuel | | 240-499-9603 |
| TERRY, JASON* | | 667-312-5846 |
| THOMPSON, RONNY* | | 667-312-5846 |
| VICK, CULLEN* | | 410-952-4672 |
| WALL, CHRISTOPHER* | | 667-312-5846 |
| WATSON, DALE* | | 443-740-2766 |
| ARGUETA, NESTOR | | 240-960-7960 |
| BENTZ, Jerry | | 667-312-5846 |
| Blackburn, Philip | | 667-312-5846 |
| BUTLER, Tim | Facilities Operations Specialist, Leased | 301-480-8285 |
| Cardoso, Felipe | Facilities Operations Specialist | 301-435-0001 |
| COLE, MICHELLE | | 667-312-5846 |
| CRUZ VILLEDA, GRACIA | | 202-819-8327 |
| FOSTER, ANDREW* | | 667-312-5846 |
| GILL, DONALD | | 667-312-5846 |
| Gonzalez, Jose | | 301-897-7940 |
| HILL, DEAUNTAE | | 443-740-2767 |
| JONES, ROSA | | 443-740-2766 |
| KENTON, MICHAEL | | 667-312-5846 |
| LURZ, Bob | Facility Operations Specialist, Leased | 301-435-0001 |
| MCCARLEY, WILLIAM | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-462-0173 |
| MORENO PACHECO, OSIRIS | | 443-442-5458 |
| MURILLO MARTINEZ, CARMEN | | 443-740-2766 |
| NOTTAGE, Maurice | | 677-312-5760 |
| PEREZ MENDOZA, SOEYDI | | 443-740-2766 |
| PINDER, LEROY | | 443-810-8152 |
| QUEEN, Karen | Section Chief | 301-496-7919 |
| SHANNON, ANGEL MARIE | GSH Group | 667-312-5846 |
| SHEPPARD, LISA | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 667-312-5761 |
| SHUM, BENJAMIN* | | 667-312-5846 |
| SOBIK, ROBERT* | | 973-618-8656 |
| TURCIOS REYES, LUIS | | 240-499-9603 |
| TURNER, MARK | | +1 301 337 0582 |
| VASQUEZ RAMOS, JESIKA | | 240-499-9603 |
| WATSON, CARL | Facility Operations Specialist, Leased | 301-496-9428 |
| YOUNG, Richie | Facilities Operations Specialist, Leased | 301-496-4229 |
| Poolesville Team HNAM9433 |
| BROYLES, JEFFERSON | Contractor | 202-236-4950 |
| HAMILTON, DEVIN | Contractor | 360-930-4690 |
| MCDUFFIE, ARMEL | Contractor | 202-253-1864 |
| BOWEN, JERRY | Contractor | 202-236-4950 |
| Doh, Yawo | Contractor | 301-658-4125 |
| Lanham, Matthew | Contractor | 240-418-3248 |
| Lee, Grace | Contractor | 202-253-1864 |
| MACQUEEN, ROBERT | | 360-930-4690 |
| Robinson, Franklin | Contractor | 360-930-4690 |
| SHELL, ZACHARY | Contractor | 360-930-4690 |
| WITT, ANDREW | | 360-930-4690 |
| Shift Team HNAM9432 |
| ARTIS, GARY | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-451-2270 |
| BAILEY, KEVIN | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-402-1131 |
| BENJAMIN, ONEIL | USRO Leader | 301-435-5545 |
| BLAND, BRANDYN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-594-9803 |
| BROOKS, RICHARD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-435-8000 |
| KIMBLE, KENNETH | USRO | 301-451-1433 |
| NOPPE, MANDEN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| SHAW, LAWRENCE | Emergency Management Coordinator | 301-594-7239 |
| TALLENT, DANIEL | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| Technical Support Team HNAM9438 |
| PARK, TAE HO | High Voltage Electrician | 301-594-4596 |
| PARK, TAEYOUNG | High Voltage Electrician | 301-827-9684 |
| Comproni, Joseph | Elevator Mechanic | 301-496-1789 |
| ISON, Kenneth | Facility Operations Specialist, TST | 301-827-1438 |
| LEE, PETER | Locksmith | 301-496-3507 |
| NEUGEBAUER, Bruce | Door Systems Mechanic Leader | 301-435-8230 |
| PHILLIPS, Jt | High Voltage Electrician | 301-594-4895 |
| PUCKETT, John | Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic Supervisor | 301-402-8890 |
| ALLEN, BRADLEY | Locksmith | 301-594-7895 |
| ASARE, SARFO | High Voltage Electrician Leader | 301-451-6008 |
| AYALA, RICHARD | Electrician Leader | 301-443-7153 |
| BARAHONA, JOSE | Lead Locksmith | 301-496-3507 |
| BRADSHAW, JOHN | Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic | 301-435-8230 |
| BRANCH, ROBERT | Electrician | 301-496-3691 |
| CURINGTON, RONALD | Facility Manager | 240-507-3843 |
| Downs, Floyd | High Voltage Electrician | 301-594-4596 |
| FICCA, MATTHEW | Laborer | 301-451-1391 |
| FISHER, MARK | Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic | 301-435-8230 |
| FLOYD, Tom | Electrician | 301-435-8000 |
| GRAHAM, RONALD | Door Systems Mechanic | 301-496-3507 |
| GUSSIO, CHARLES | | 301-594-7895 |
| HOES, Robert | Electrician | 301-402-2602 |
| HOLDER, ROBERT | High Voltage Electrician | 301-451-6008 |
| JUDY, Thomas | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor | 301-451-2270 |
| Kraushaar, Sean | High Voltage Electrician | 301-435-8000 |
| LEIGHTON, Dave | Door Systems Mechanic Leader | 301-435-8231 |
| LEIZEAR, Steven | Section Chief, MFMB | 240-328-5186 |
| MCNAMEE, Tom | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-402-6163 |
| MILLER, James | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-5151 |
| MUNDAY, JAMES | High Voltage Electrician Leader | 301-827-9685 |
| PADDY, DONALD | Door Systems Mechanic | 301-435-8230 |
| SIMS, EDWARD | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-496-3507 |
| WALLACE, WILLIAM | Maintenance Mechanic Supervisor | 301-402-9844 |
| WHITE, ALVIN | Maintenance Mechanic | 301-443-8110 |
| WILSON, Alverta | Program Asst. | 301-496-3507 |
| ZIEHL, RICHARD | Electronic Industrial Controls Mechanic | 301-435-8230 |
* indicates Contractor or Consultant