Poster Banner

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DTR Banner Technical Poster Sessions

The technical poster session is an opportunity to present a short technical article and discuss it among your peers. Posters sessions will take place during both days of the conference.

Posters may review a technical problem, question, product (i.e. non-commercial presentation of a product that was used to solve a problem), or case study relating to energy efficient biomedical laboratory equipment. The presentation should be at a highly professional technical level.

** Please note that this conference is specifically focused on biomedical research and vivarium equipment, not systems.Therefore, we respectfully request that you do not send us posters discussing HVAC or electrical systems, Green Building design or products, LEED credits, green building products, etc.

POSTER ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS CLOSED.  However, you may submit a late poster abstract by sending your request to  We will consider your request on a case by case basis.  Acceptance is competitive and space is limited.