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Policies and Rules

There are a number of policies and rules related to occupancy, maintenance, and operations of NIH facilities.  These policies and rules go through a strict approval process overseen by the ORF Division of Technical Resources (DTR).  Links below lead to summaries of policies followed by links to the actual complete policy.

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NIH Policy Manuals

NIH Policy Manual - 1210 - Utilization of Administrative Space 

The purpose of this Manual Chapter is to maintain administrative space within the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) targeted Utilization Rates (URs) to facilitate optimal use, recapture and re-assign space when viable within the NIH community as needed. This policy also allows NIH to respond effectively to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Real Property Asset Management Plan (RAMP) reporting requirements to reduce URs exceeding the targeted rate. The policy will be used for facilities in which the predominant use is administrative. The policy is applicable to all NIH campuses, throughout the National Capital Region (NCR) and beyond the NCR, and to all leased facilities. This policy excludes office space in laboratory facilities.

NIH Policy Manual 1340-3 - Drinking Water Program 

This issuance establishes policy, responsibilities and procedures for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Drinking Water Program to ensure all employees and visitors are provided potable drinking water at NIH-owned or leased facilities. This program is administered by the Office of Research Services (ORS), Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) and supports the Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations (ORFDO) in maintaining the quality of drinking water, and identifying and quantifying potential exposure to contaminants, particularly lead

NIH Policy Manual - 1361 - Corridor Utilization 

This Manual Chapter outlines proper uses of these spaces in order to accommodate the movement of people and egress from these locations. This policy does not apply to main building entrances/lobbies or atriums of any building. The intent of this policy is to ensure that corridors provide for: (1) a readily apparent, safe and adequate means by which building occupants may exit a building in the event of a fire or other emergency; (2) adequate access and use by emergency personnel; (3) the safe movement of people during normal daily use of the building; and (4) the safe transportation of goods and materials.

NIH Policy Manual - 1370 Fire Protection and Life Safety Building Permit Process 

This Manual Chapter ensures all NIH facilities are designed and constructed in compliance with the International Building Code (IBC), the National Fire Codes, the NIH Design Requirements Manual, and other nationally recognized codes and standards (e.g., The Joint Commission standards for the accreditation of the NIH hospital), as required by 40 U.S.C. Section 3312, "Compliance with Nationally Recognized Codes."

NIH Policy Manual - 1381 - Physical Security Project Requirements for NIH Owned and Leased Facilities 

 This Manual Chapter ensures that all owned or leased NIH facilities are designed, constructed, and/or renovated are in compliance with all applicable federal physical security requirements. This chapter serves as the basis for the NIH Physical Security Project Requirements for NIH Owned and Leased Facilities and establishes the authority of the Division of Physical Security Management (DPSM) as one of the NIH organizations responsible for safeguarding the NIH community against terrorism, criminal activity, and potential or actual threats by individuals or groups.


Safety Policies 

Contractor Safety Policy Adobe Icon - PDF (107KB) 508


Space Policies and Guidelines

Building 10 Policies - Vacant Space and Renovations Restriction policies related to Building 10

Building 31 Criteria for Occupancy - (Effective Date Jan. 1, 2000) Revised Criteria for Building 31 Occupancy Adobe Acrobat (PDF) - PDF (207KB) 508

Forced Moves Policy - Space and funding compensation for forced moves 
Lease Management and Oversight Process (LeMOP) - Appendix 1 of NIH Policy Manual 26101-18—Acquisition of Real Property by NIH Direct Lease or through the General Services Administration (GSA)
Occupancy and Change Moratorium Policy - Defines when new or renovated space is considered ready to occupy and defines a period during which changes cannot be made

Rent Rules - Defines circumstances under which NIH will collect rent

Space Loan Policy - Defines process covering temporary loans of space

Mold Prevention and Remediation Policy - Prescribed steps for preventing/remediating mold growth in the event of water infiltration 

Policy for Development, Review & Approval of NIH Program of Requirements (POR) - Defines the scope and cost of a project Adobe Acrobat (PDF) - PDF (283KB) 508

Post Occupancy Evaluation Policy -  Defines ORF requirements with regard to performing post occupancy evaluations on new, renovated, and existing facilities
Tent Erection Policy - Defines NIH policy governing the installation of tents and other light-weight temporary structures on the Bethesda campus Adobe Acrobat (PDF) - PDF (140KB) 508

Utility Shutdown Policy - Defines the utility shutdown procedures for Emergency Shutdowns (unscheduled) and Formal Shutdowns (scheduled) Adobe Acrobat (PDF) - PDF (212KB) 508


This page was last updated on Feb 13, 2025