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ORF Home > Planning & Space Management > The NIH Facility Information Management System (FIMS) aka (Rubik’s Cube)

The NIH Facility Information Management System (FIMS) aka (Rubik’s Cube)

Authorized personnel now have access to real time facility data to support comprehensive facility management and data-driven decision making for NIH owned and leased biomedical research and research support facilities. This includes accessing Floor Plans associated with all NIH building assets. Through FIMS (The NIH Facility Information Management System), Users are able to perform the following:
        Zoom, pan and print drawings for detail.
        View and download IC room data and create reports as Excel workbooks. 
The NIH FIMS Application on ARCHIBUS WebCentral, also allows Users through the NIH ORS FIMS Global Notify address list to view ARCHIBUS data that includes demographic, spatial, real property asset and facility lifecycle data from a variety of sources
To obtain access to the NIH FIMS Web Site, have the Administrative Officer responsible for the program area to which you are assigned, submit a request to fims@nih.gov to grant you access. The request must contain the full name, position, NIH domain username, telephone number, and organization (IC and lab/branch/office) of the person(s) for whom the request is being submitted. A brief explanation of the reason/need for access and whether the access is to be permanent or temporary must be stated in the request.
Once access has been granted, users will log in with the same user name and password you use through the NIH network.

For additional information about this new site or information on additional features for a greater degree of space information data manipulation please contact the FIMS Administrator.

If you would like assistance navigating through the application, a FIMS User Guide (PDF) (3MB) is available.
This page was last updated on Oct 31, 2024