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ORF Home > Planning & Space Management > National Institutes of Health Bethesda Campus 2022 Site Map

National Institutes of Health Bethesda Campus 2022 Site Map

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National Institutes of Health Bethesda Campus 2022 Site Map

Arial view of NIH’s Bethesda Campus with all buildings, trailers, sheds, parking garages, and parking lots identified by number. Also shown are the wing designations for the Building 10 Complex. The map includes street names of campus roadways and the perimeter roadways of Old Georgetown Road, W Cedar Lane, and Rockville Pike 355. 

The map also includes outlines of future buildings where construction has already started.
The Building 10 Complex wing designations run generally A through T, skipping the letter “I” in Buildings 10, 10A (the animal facility), and 10B (otherwise known as the ACRF), and E, W, NE, SE, NW, and SW in the CRC.
Building numbers differentiate between buildings, sheds and trailers, and construction trailers and generally run 1 through 68. Some building numbers include letters after the number such as Building 35A, which is the second phase to Building 35 which together make up the Porter Neuroscience Center. Some Building numbers have a “T” or “TR” before or after the number which indicates the building is “temporary” or a trailer. Other special designations include storage containers near Building 21 designated with an “SC” before the building number, a salt storage shed designated with the letter “S” with no number, and a couple of nearby sheds simply designated with the letter “T” that also have no number. 

Parking lot numbers are typically based on nearby buildings. For example, Lot 4 is adjacent to Building 4. Similar to building numbers, some parking lot numbers include letters after the number. Multi-Level Parking Garage numbers are generally in order from 6 through 14, however there are currently no MLPs designated 12 or 13.
Parking is broken down into four categories: General Parking, Visitor Parking, Restricted Parking, and Future Parking. General Parking includes all lots or garages that offer parking spaces for general parking pass holders. Visitor Parking includes lot 31A, West Garage 10, MLP 11 and Lot 18.  A few parking lots include both General and Visitor Parking including Lots 13, 38 and 45. Restricted parking includes any lot or garage that limits parking to select groups. These include Lot 51 for Fire Department Employees, Lot 65 for Safra Family Lodge guests, Lot 23 for Child Care Facility drop off, Lot 62 for Children’s Inn, Lot 31B for the NIH Police, Lot 4A for Patient Valet, Lot 1A for key Building 1 staff, East Garage 10 and MLP 9 for Building 10 staff, Lot 13A and 11A for government vehicles, Lot 16 for Fogarty International, and Lot 21A for Waste Management and Radiation Safety. The only “future parking” is MLP 14 which will be designated for patients and patient visitors when it opens in 2028. 

Buildings and parking shown as “under construction” include:

  • The SRLM wing off the west end of the CRC estimated to complete in 2028
  • MLP 14 on the west side of Convent Drive between Center Drive and South Drive, to open in 2028
  • Building 59B, a utility vault attached to the south end of MLP 14
  • Building 59C, a fuel vault along South Drive near Building 59B
  • ​Building 40A at the SW corner of South Drive and Convent Drive and will be an addition to the north side of Building 40, the Vaccine Research Center, estimated to complete in 2024
  • An unnumbered structure to the east of Building 11 that will house emergency generators
  • And Visitor Parking Lot 18 on the north side of Medlars Drive across from Building 41 estimated to open September 30, 2022. 

    If you need further assistance, ​​please contact Gregar Odegaarden​ 301-402-2064.

This page was last updated on Sep 06, 2022