Office of the Director (HNAM91) Office of Hospital Physical Environment (HNAM9B) Division of Facilities Planning (HNAM92) Office of the Director (HNAM92)Facilities Planning and Programming Branch (HNAM922)Space Planning and Management Branch (HNAM924)Site Infrastructure Planning Branch (HNAM925)Division of Facilities Operations and Maintenance (HNAM94) Office of the Director (HNAM94)Clinical Center Facilities Management Branch (HNAM942)Maryland Facilities Management Branch (HNAM943)Campus Services Branch (HNAM944)Accreditation Services Branch (HNAM946)Rocky Mountain Laboratory Facilities Management Branch (HNAM94B)Research Triangle Park Facilities Management Branch (HNAM94C)Office of Acquisitions, ORF (HNAM95) Office of the Director (HNAM95)Architect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - OrangeArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - BlueArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - RedArchitect-Engineer and Construction Contracting Branch - GreenFacilities Support Services Contracting Branch - YellowReal Estate Contracting Branch - PurplePolicy Support and Quality Control Branch (HNAM955)Division of Technical Resources (HNAM96) Office of the Director (HNAM96)Standards & Policy Branch (HNAM962)Technical Support Branch (HNAM963)Utility Systems Design & Technical Service Branch (HNAM967)Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Application Branch (HNAM965)Utilities Generation Branch (HNAM964)Utilities Distribution Branch (HNAM966)Facilities Compliance and Inspection Branch (HNAM968)Division of Environmental Protection (HNAM97) Office of the Director (HNAM97)Sustainability Branch (HNAM972)Environmental Compliance Branch (HNAM973)Waste and Resource Recovery Branch (HNAM974)Division of Budget and Financial Management (HNAM98) Office of the Director (HNAM98)Business Support Branch (HNAM982)Budget Development and Execution Branch (HNAM983)Division of Facilities Stewardship (HNAM99) Office of the Director (HNAM99)Building Electrical Systems Branch (HNAM992)Building Mechanical Systems Branch (HNAM993)Energy Management Branch (HNAM994)Portfolio Assessment and Reporting Branch (HNAM995)Specialty Branch (HNAM996)Division of Design and Construction Management (HNAM9A) Office of the Director (HNAM9A)Clinical Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A2)Laboratory Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A3)Cancer & SAT Program Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A5)Office and Leased Facilities Design and Construction Branch (HNAM9A6)Design and Technical Services Branch (HNAM9A7)
| IRVIN, CHAUNCEY | | 301-827-7662 |
| BURTON, SHANDRAY | | 301-594-7692 |
| AYNALEM, DEREJE | Program Specialist | 301-594-7895 |
| BAKER, Alexis | Supervisory Program Specialist, Logistics | 301-435-5270 |
| BURTON, SHANDRAY | | 301-594-7692 |
| CAMPBELL, DONNA* | Human Resources Management Staff professional And support | 301-451-1074 |
| CARROLL, SHON | Supervisory Program Analyst | 301-827-7662 |
| Christian, Tikka | | 301-496-7103 |
| GILBERT, Ron* | Facility Operations and Maintenance Staff | 301-435-8000 |
| HARRIS, ROSALINDA* | | 301-594-7895 |
| Perez, Luis | | 301-536-0193 |
| QUINTANILLA, Iliana | | 301-594-1486 |
| RABB, Jeniffer | Program Specialist | 301-496-7103 |
| ROBINSON, JAMES* | Contracting Office Support Staff Procurement Tech | 301-435-8000 |
| SMITH, TIONNA* | | 301-594-7895 |
| TAYLOR, Amanda | Budget and Logistics Team | 301-402-6394 |
| Logistics Team HNAM9443 |
| RUCKER, Tyrel | Warehouse Specialist II | 301-435-2464 |
| WALTERS, Shaun | Warehouse Spec II | 301-435-2464 |
| CANTU, Keeyan | Program Specialist, Logistics | 301-594-4121 |
| LEE, Kim | Program Specialist | 301-496-6455 |
| BROWN, Roderick | Materials Expediter | 301-451-8427 |
| DARBY, Patricia | Quality Assurance Specialist | 301-594-4124 |
| FARRELL, JAMES | Facility Operations Specialist, MFMB | 301-594-6395 |
| Irons, Gerald | Distribution Facilities Operations Specialist, Logistics | 301-496-1052 |
| MCMANUS, Lynnai | Program Analyst, Logistics | 301-433-7119 |
| POFFENBERGER, Dj | Facility Operations Specialist | 301-594-9971 |
| SAVOY, Diane | | 301-594-4121 |
| SHAW, Wayne | Program Specialist, Logistics | 301-594-0329 |
| SMALL, KEVIN* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-402-3472 |
| TYLER, James | Program Analyst, Logistics | 301-435-5138 |
| Project Contract Team HNAM9442 |
| CAGE, ZAKIAH | | 301-761-7817 |
| FISHER, TRANISHA | Property Management Specialist | 301-402-1586 |
| ISMAIL, WAEL | | 301-594-7895 |
| JOHNSON, RODREGOUS | | 301-496-2540 |
| METZ, CORY | | 240-521-1578 |
| MORGAN, Joe | Property Management Specialist | 301-443-7952 |
| AGUILAR, CARLOS* | | 202-503-7251 |
| BIGGUS, JEFFREY* | | 240-280-6096 |
| BISSERETH, FRANCIS* | Housekeeping staff | 301-496-2540 |
| BOZGA, ALICE* | | 240-498-8919 |
| BRANDT, VINCENT* | | 202-236-4950 |
| CHAVIS, CLARENCE* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 301-496-8273 |
| CHUCOSKI, TJ* | | 301-256-5362 |
| FAIRCLOUGH, RADCLIFFE* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 301-594-7895 |
| Fisher, Christopher | | 202-430-1156 |
| GORDON, ETHAN* | | 301-837-2700 |
| GRIFFIN, VICTORIA* | | 301-837-2600 |
| HARRINGTON, KYLE | | 240-636-4804 |
| JACKSON, SHAUNTA* | | 301-402-6727 |
| JARVIS, LUKE | | 301-402-6060 |
| JOHNS, ALBERT | | 301-402-9690 |
| JOSEPH, EDILBERTO | | 301-402-9642 |
| KELIIHANANUI, KEOLA* | | 240-280-6627 |
| KELLY, ADAM* | | 847-215-1050 |
| KELLY, JAMES* | | 301-451-9292 |
| LAWS, DANIEL* | | 301-451-9721 |
| LEWIS, MICHAEL* | | 301-451-7833 |
| MACK, KEYONA* | | 301-594-2627 |
| MARTIN, JAKOB* | | 240-302-9023 |
| MARTINEZ, ANA | | 301-496-2540 |
| METZ, DAVID* | | 240-629-9094 |
| MOORER, DEMARCO | | 301-435-1406 |
| MULKEY, RICKY* | | 301-219-4101 |
| MYERS, NICHOLAS | | 240-302-5276 |
| NICHOLAS, LUCILLE* | | 301-761-6839 |
| NOUR, MOHAMMED* | | 301-451-9721 |
| Oden, Jeffrey | | 301-402-9862 |
| PRATHER, VICTOR* | Contractor | 202-236-4950 |
| RUSH, JAMES* | | 301-496-5156 |
| SAINT SIMON, BONEL* | | 301-496-2540 |
| SALAS VALENCIA, ROBERT | | 240-280-5139 |
| SIMPSON, SEAN* | | 301-402-9642 |
| SKERRITT, VERANT* | | 301-480-2920 |
| SPIVEY, LESTER* | Project Manager | 301-496-2540 |
| TURNER, ZACHARIAH* | | 240-484-8101 |
| WHITE, BENJAMIN* | | 301-204-6440 |
| White, Gregory | Facility Specialist, PCT | 301-451-3243 |
| WILLIAMS, DANIEL* | | 301-451-2202 |
| WILLIAMSON, Antonio | supervisory Program Specialist | 301-594-7708 |
| WILSON, Paul | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-594-7707 |
| ADAMS, BARBARA ANN | Project Manager | 301-402-9690 |
| ALVARADO, BLANCA | | 301-496-2540 |
| AMIN, NURA | | 703-209-2899 |
| ANDERSON, JEMEL | | 240-278-8010 |
| ATHERTON, TERRY | | 443-989-3000 |
| AVILES, JASON | | 703-200-9930 |
| BACHMANN, CESAR | | +1 703 490 1819 |
| BARANOVIC, RYAN | | 443-388-1301 |
| BATTLE, DERRICK | Project Officer (CPO) | 301-594-7895 |
| BAZIL, JEVON | | 202-250-1806 |
| BEAN, KEVIN | | 240-618-0706 |
| BECK, CHARLES | | 301-594-7708 |
| BEYNUM, CARROLL | | 301-402-9690 |
| BIN, YONG | | 240-736-7754 |
| BLUE, MICHAEL | | 443-423-2983 |
| BOBBITT, LUCAS | | 301-837-2600 |
| BOICE, MATTHEW | | 703-490-1819 |
| BONILLA NAVARRO, MARIA | | 301-496-2540 |
| BOOTZ, KEVIN | | 410-365-8033 |
| BRADY, DAVID* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 301-312-9787 |
| BRENNEMAN, SHAWN | | 301-779-9116 |
| BROWN, MONICA* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 301-633-8389 |
| BUKULA, MICHAELLE | | 301-496-2540 |
| BURKE, DEREK | | 301-496-2540 |
| BURTON, Mack | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-435-2189 |
| BUSCHOW, TYLER | | 202-934-7270 |
| Buteau, Jean | | 301-496-2540 |
| BUTLER, PAUL | | 301-837-2600 |
| BYRD, AZAIAH | | 443-417-7149 |
| CAMELLO, VICTOR | General Engineer | 301-594-5362 |
| CARBAUGH, JEREMIAH | | 410-989-3000 |
| CARTER, CURTIS | | 240-856-1272 |
| CARTER, PAUL | (blank) | +1 301 496 2540 |
| CHAPMAN, JOSHUA | | 202-327-0640 |
| Chassereau, Cody | | 240-484-6069 |
| CHEESEBORO, FRANK | | 301-467-0911 |
| CLARKE, CHRISTOPHER | | 301-837-2600 |
| COATES, DONALD | | 202-438-3437 |
| Cohee, Benjamin | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 240-280-4550 |
| Cohen, Michael | | 240-484-7370 |
| COLE, SEAN | | 240-907-9207 |
| CORDON Y CORDON, CARLOS | Project Officer (CPO) | 301-827-5524 |
| CRAWFORD, JAMEL | | 301-496-2540 |
| CROSBY, NICHOLAS | | 202-253-4382 |
| DARABI, KEVIN | | 703-550-8402 |
| DARNELL, BRIAN | | 202-438-3437 |
| DAVILA, ROBERT* | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 301-503-7216 |
| DAVIS, TIMOTHY | | 443-989-3000 |
| DAVIS, TYLER | | 443-989-3000 |
| DAYECK, HASSAN | Contractor | 703-932-8595 |
| DIAZ, CESAR | Security Technician | 301-435-5546 |
| DIDDENS, DANIEL | Contract Technician | 301-837-2502 |
| DOWNING, SHAIQUAHN | | 301-827-2700 |
| DUPEY, ROBERT | | 301-377-9703 |
| EDELEN, CHRISTOPHER | | 202-437-3240 |
| ELLIOTT, TRISTON | | 240-302-6826 |
| EVANS, LEROY | | 301-594-7698 |
| FENELON, ODETTE | | +1 301 496 2540 |
| FIEDLER, BRIAN | | 202-438-6908 |
| FINCH, REX | Facility Operations And Maintenance staff | 202-853-6416 |
| FLETCHER, KYLE | | 302-388-6231 |
| FOO, CHRISTOPHER* | Facility Operations and Maintenance Staff | 301-402-3336 |
| FOTTA, MICHAEL | | 443-989-3000 |
| FOTTA, MICHAEL | | 240-217-3061 |
| GALLOWAY, Stephanie | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-451-9721 |
| GARDNER, Curtis | | 301-827-8564 |
| GELLING, DAVID | | 301-761-6839 |
| GILBERT, PHILLIP | | 202-379-8571 |
| Gomez, Celida | | 301-496-2540 |
| GRABENSTEIN, JOSEPH | Contractor | 703-689-1984 |
| GRAHAM, MICHAEL | | 301-741-8172 |
| GRAVELY, SHANIA | Contractor | 202-236-4950 |
| HARRIS, DONALD | | 443-848-2549 |
| HARRIS, MICHAEL | | 301-496-2540 |
| HAYES, MICHAEL | | 301-795-4008 |
| HENRY, ZACHARY* | | 240-280-6096 |
| HERCULES RAMIREZ, LEYBIS | | 304-496-2540 |
| HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ, EDGAR | | 301-341-0848 |
| HIBBARD, CHARLES | | 202-438-3437 |
| HOLLINGSWORTH, CARLTON | Project Officer (CPO) | 301-480-8459 |
| HOPKINS, ALEXANDER | | 828-569-0074 |
| HOPKINS, MATTHEW | | 828-215-0223 |
| Hormozdi, Anushiravan | | 240-330-0464 |
| HOWERTON, LUCAS* | Facility Operations and Maintenance Staff | 240-417-2644 |
| HOWIE, Eugene | Supervisory Facilities Specialist, PCT | 301-402-1746 |
| HUGHES, RYAN | | 301-435-8000 |
| HUNTER, Canute | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-435-2133 |
| ILLANES-SPOERER, MATIAS | | 301-310-1655 |
| Ingraham, Edward | | 443-829-0052 |
| JACKSON, JOE | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-402-3337 |
| JOHNSON, STUART | | 410-461-6211 |
| JONES, EUSTICE | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-594-5763 |
| JONES, JAJUAN | | 301-451-2212 |
| JONES, QUISHAWN | | 703-490-1819 |
| JONES, TAYVON | | 410-571-0006 |
| KASHANI, SHERVIN | | 240-584-5175 |
| KILOSKY, MICHELLE | Supervisory Program Analyst, PCT | 301-435-2130 |
| KOWAL, James | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-402-8147 |
| Leitch, Samuel | | 240-280-5236 |
| LEWIS, TAYLOR | | 410-461-6211 |
| MACKESY, CONNOR | | 240-484-9762 |
| MALVASO, DUSTIN | | 301-752-4130 |
| MANNS, LEON | | 301-594-7895 |
| Marcoux, Jonathan | | 240-484-3478 |
| MARQUEZ, FERNANDO | | 720-998-2804 |
| MARTINEZ, ANA HAYDEE | | 301-496-2540 |
| MARTINEZ, HERLINDA | | +1 301 496 2540 |
| MATHSEN, JACOB* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 703-675-8290 |
| MATTHEWS, COREY* | | 240-280-9341 |
| MCCOURT, MARTIN | | 301-370-8220 |
| Mellott, Kane | | 240-500-4637 |
| MENDEZ, MALIK | | 240-907-1314 |
| Menjivar, Maria | | 301-496-2540 |
| Messer, Timothy | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-594-7698 |
| METZ, MARTIN* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-221-6782 |
| MIKEL, ANDREW | | 202-236-4950 |
| MISTICHELLI, RICCARDO | USRO | 301-443-7952 |
| MORALES VARGAS, MARIO | | 571-477-6181 |
| Moreira, Maria | | 301-496-2540 |
| MORGAN, TIRRELL | | 703-490-1819-x233 |
| MUNISAR, RAJAH | | 321-626-3042 |
| MURRAY, DOUGLAS | | +1 304 279 7282 |
| NEAL, LARRY* | | 202-253-1864 |
| NGUYEN, NGHIEM PHU | Maintenance Mechanic Leader | 301-480-1665 |
| Ogando, Orlando | | 973-248-3360 |
| OWENS, Don | Facility Operations Specialist, PCT | 301-594-7106 |
| PALERMO, VINCE | | 240-302-7339 |
| Pariyar, Sijan | | 202-290-8653 |
| PELTIER, CURTIS | | +1 443 280 8012 |
| PENSMITH, JOHN | | 202-438-3437 |
| PHILLIPS, JOHN | | 410-777-3211 |
| PICCOLOMINI, JOHN | | 304-283-6991 |
| POINTE-JOUR, GUIRLENE | | 301-496-2540 |
| PORTER, ROBERT | | 703-490-1819 |
| POWERS, JACOB | Division of Technical Resources | +1 419 367 6390 |
| PUMA FALCON, MAURO | | 301-496-2540 |
| QUARTEY, JANET | | 301-435-3075 |
| RAMIREZ ORDONEZ, JULIA | | 301-496-2540 |
| REISINGER, WILLIAM | | 717-422-7911 |
| REYES, DOUGLAS | | 703-507-0851 |
| RITCHIE, BRANSON | | 703-643-2952 |
| ROCHE, PETER | | 240-285-2613 |
| RODA, BRIAN | | 202-484-7857 |
| RUKENBROD, KENNETH | | 410-299-6115 |
| RYAN, ANDREW* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-443-6699 |
| RYAN, BRENDA | Program Analyst | 301-594-0606 |
| SABINO, ALBYN | | 240-484-2091 |
| SCAYLES, CURTIS | Acquisition and Business Specialist | 301-451-5140 |
| SCHULTZ, BRYON | | 301-402-8147 |
| SELLMAN, Gary | Facility Operations Specialist | 301-435-5546 |
| SHEPPARD, David | Supervisory Program Specialist, PCT | 301-435-8912 |
| SILVER, JEFFREY | | 202-302-8748 |
| SIMON, DAMEON | | 240-484-9188 |
| SLYDE, NAKIA | | 202-330-2883 |
| SMITH, JONATHAN | | 202-436-3437 |
| SMITH, TIMOTHY | | 240-521-1641 |
| SMITH, TIMOTHY* | | 301-761-7817 |
| SMITH, TREVON | | 703-490-1819 |
| SNYDER, MARC | | 240-280-4248 |
| SPANGLER, LONNY* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-402-1847 |
| SPEIGHT, ANTHONY | | 240-302-9455 |
| SPINNER, RICHARD | | 301-212-4175 |
| STADLER, DENNIS | | 443-989-3000 |
| STONESIFER, JONATHAN | | 410-365-8033 |
| STRAUGHN, CARL | | 301-402-9690 |
| Tafa, Daniel | | 301-496-2540 |
| TAYLOR, HASSAIN | | 703-490-1819 |
| THAYNE, RYAN | | 919-802-8442 |
| THOMAS, MARK* | | 301-496-7103 |
| TORRES, FRANCISCO | | 301-496-2540 |
| TOWERY, RODERICK | | 912-485-5128 |
| TRESLER, DAVID* | Facility Operations and Maintenance staff | 301-837-2600 |
| TURNER, EDWARD | | 240-484-9601 |
| VAINQUEUR, MARIE | | 301-496-2540 |
| VALENCIA, VERONICA | | 301-496-2540 |
| VALOIS, PAMELA | (blank) | +1 240 315 4110 |
| Velasco, Henry | | 301-496-2540 |
| VERSAK, MATTHEW | | 571-255-8666 |
| WALLS, KEVIN | | +1 443 758 8372 |
| Westman, Patrick | | 240-302-8037 |
| WHITE, DARRYL | | 240-534-4979 |
| WILHELM, CHARLES | | 202-236-4950 |
| WILLIAMS, JERRY | | 301-496-2540 |
| WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY | | 202-359-5305 |
| WILT, BARBARA | | 757-303-8960 |
| WRIGHT, BRIDGET | | 703-550-8402 |
| WRIGHT, SCOTT | | 301-788-9515 |
| YOUNG TUEROS, RUSTON | | 240-540-4359 |
| ZARUBA, STEPHEN | | 240-280-9084 |
* indicates Contractor or Consultant