Maryland Historical Trust 2015 Award Given to NIH for its Historic Preservation Program and Outstanding Stewardship by a Government Agency

Caption: Shown here accepting the award on behalf of NIH from Mr. David Craig, Maryland Secretary of Planning (left) and Elizabeth Hughes, Acting State Historic Preservation Officer (right) is Phillip W. Neuberg, AIA.
The Maryland Historical Trust presented to the NIH Office of Research Facilities an award for Outstanding Stewardship by a Government Agency at its 2015 Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony in Annapolis on March 26.
Phillip Neuberg, the NIH Federal Preservation Officer and Chief of the Facilities Programming and Planning Branch in ORF’s Division of Facilities Planning accepted the award on behalf of NIH. In his comments, Neuberg noted the support of ORF Director Dan Wheeland, the Division of Facilities Planning Director, Ricardo Herring, FAIA, as well as staff in the Office of the NIH Historian, with whom he coordinates much of his research.
The Trust recognized that:
“Through its ongoing long term planning, active capital renewal program and ongoing, sensitive stewardship, the NIH has demonstrated the federal government’s ability to balance the research needs of the institution with the communal and public benefits of historic preservation.” And that, NIH has successfully, “taken best practices and made historic preservation an integral part of ongoing campus planning and capital renewal programs. More importantly, perhaps, these efforts point to how the NIH has united historic preservation with the mission of Turning Discovery Into Health.
The ORF Historic Preservation Program provides support, guidance, technical advice and legally required documentation in support of the ORF staff working with the 27 buildings and three historic districts that dot the Bethesda campus. These historic properties are highlighted in the NIH Bethesda Master Plan which is updated about every five years. The location, site and character of these historic properties inform the future development of the campus. Current listing of locations on campus.
Phillip Neuberg was also presented, on behalf of NIH, a Certificate of Special Recognition by Joyce Leviton from Maryland Senator Benjamin Cardin’s Office at the event.